HealBlade er et super alternativ til ruller og bolde, der bruges til at arbejde med vævet, specielt bindevævet (fascia-vævet).
Fascie-vævet omslutter alt i kele kroppen i mange lag, ikke kun vores muskler, men også organer og alt andet. Fascie-vævet er vores største sanseorgang og reagerer på uhensigtsmæssig eller manglende belastning. Det kan fx blive stift og uelastisk, og det er ofte den reelle årsag til den smerte, man oplever.
Med HealBlade kan du foretage det man kalder "myofascial scraping" - læs aller nederst (under videoklippene, hvad det består af (på engelsk).
HealBlade er specielt kendt for behandling af såkaldt "Plantar fasciitis", som er betændelse under svangen. Specielt kendt hos løbere, og det kan være meget begrænsende for løbet, og ikke mindst svært at komme af med.
HealBlade kan bruges på hele kroppen, se de forskellige eksempler på videoklippene nedenfor.
Kort anvisning ift. behandling af Plantar fasciitis:
- Brug HealBlade to gange om dagen for de bedste resultater, se videoklip.
- Giv dine fødder en pause.
- Skær ned på aktiviteter, der giver smerter.
- Gå aldrig barfodet.
- Forsøg ikke at gå på hårde overflader og brug støttende sko.
- Sov gerne med en nat skinne til at forhindre forkortet sene, mens du sover.
What is myofascial scraping?
Myofascial Scraping is a technique of soft to moderate tissue massage involving the use of a specific tool or tools capable of providing uniform and constant linear pressure of the affected area. When soft tissues, such as muscle, ligaments, or tendons become inflamed, a proper amount of pressure and micro trauma will actually assist with tissue recovery by increasing the blood flow to the area. This in turn will bring in fresh blood with nutrients and antioxidants. Until now, there was no single tools that was readily available to perform ones own Myofascial Scraping. The Heal Blade provides a way of self mild, moderate and deep tissue Myofascial Scraping and massage to commonly afflicted areas such as the plantar fascia, achilles tendon, foot, calf and soleus muscles, forearm muscles, trapezius & neck muscles and the quadriceps muscle.
Sore muscles, spasms, knots, and plantar fascia pain. Whether its from a long day at work, repetitive motion, standing all day, running, biking, weight lifting, too many golf swings or a weekend tennis match, our body aches.
Plantar Fascitis is a syndrome of acute and chronic pain of the heel and bottom of the foot (the arch). The pain can be from over use tendonitis, heel spurs, calcification or tendonosis. Very often, the pain that is felt over the heel and arch of the foot actually originates from the lower leg! The calf muscles are made up of the superficial gastrocnemius and the deeper soleus muscles. The tendonous portion of these muscles combine to form the Achilles tendon which inserts into the calcaneous (heel). Strains, tightness and rigidity of these tissues can ultimately lead to heel and plantar foot pain. It is therefore of great benefit to treat these lower leg tissues to prevent pain but also to treat pain and enhance recovery.
Our body is a complex and dynamic structure. It is made of skin, soft tissue, muscles, and ligaments. Under all that tissue, we have our skeletal system, the bones. As in nature, our body has soft undulations, curves, nooks and crannies. There are no naturally occurring lines or edges in our body. Trust me, I'm a doctor! It was this observation and medical knowledge which assisted with the development of The Heal Blade.
The Heal Blade has a patented concaved/convexed blade that allows for proper cupping & massaging of major and minor muscle groups including the calves, the arches of the feet, the forearm muscles, the trapezius muscles and the quadriceps. The Heal Blade is made of a soothing material with enough flexibility and durability allowing for broad surface area contact with deep tissue pressure and penetration to help alleviate sore muscles, spasms, knots, and plantar fascia pain. Healthcare professionals, as well as individuals are using the Heal Blade daily and returning to work and/or playing field more quickly and pain free by following the recommended uses.