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Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery ed 3

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery ed 3

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Denne bog fra Eric Franklin præsenterer dig for næsten 500 illustrerede øvelser - heriblandt flere øvelser til musik, som er tilgængeligt på bogens produktblad - for at hjælpe dig til at forstå og opnå optimal holdning og "alignment" og komme af med overflødig stress.

Denne udvidede anden udgave af bogen indeholder mere end 600 illustrationer af "anatomisk imagery" samt opdateret kapitelindhold.


Fra forlaget

Eric Franklin’s classic reference is back in a new full-color edition, complete with new material and exercises for instructors to use with their dancers, other performing artists, athletes, and classes.

In Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Third Edition, Franklin—an internationally renowned teacher, dancer, and choreographer who has been sharing his imagery techniques for more than 35 years - teaches the use of imagery to increase self-awareness, improve body image, and apply anatomical and biomechanical principles for more efficient movement.

This expanded new edition includes

  • more than 600 anatomical imagery exercises to improve posture and body alignment, release excess tension, and prevent injuries;
  • over 500 full-color illustrations to help readers visualize the exercises and use them in various contexts;
  • four audio files containing guided imagery exercises led by Franklin and set to music; and
  • updated chapters throughout the book, including new material and exercises to address fasciae and connective tissue.

“The pictures and the words in your mind influence the feelings in your body, which in turn feed your thoughts and mental pictures,” Franklin says.

“To create powerful and dynamic alignment, you need to fertilize your mind and body with constructive information and weed out destructive thoughts.”

This book will help readers do just that as they discover their natural flexibility and increase their power to move.

Franklin expertly guides readers through foundational concepts of posture, dynamic alignment, and imagery; explores different types of imagery and guidelines for using them; and delves into biomechanical and anatomical principles, including the body’s center and gravity, the laws of motion and force systems, and joint and muscle function.

He then provides exercises for anatomical imagery, covering every area of the body from head to toe. The book closes with two critical chapters on defining dynamic alignment and on integrating dynamic alignment exercises into workouts and programs.

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Third Edition, will help readers experience the biomechanical and anatomical principles that are crucial to athletes, dancers, other performing artists, and yoga and Pilates practitioners.

The techniques and exercises presented in the book will guide readers in improving their posture—and will positively affect their thoughts and attitudes about themselves and others and help them feel better, both mentally and physically.

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Denne bog fra Eric Franklin præsenterer dig for næsten 500 illustrerede øvelser - heriblandt flere øvelser til musik, som er tilgængeligt på bogens produktblad - for at hjælpe dig til at forstå og opnå optimal holdning og "alignment" og komme af med overflødig stress.

Denne udvidede anden udgave af bogen indeholder mere end 600 illustrationer af "anatomisk imagery" samt opdateret kapitelindhold.


Fra forlaget

Eric Franklin’s classic reference is back in a new full-color edition, complete with new material and exercises for instructors to use with their dancers, other performing artists, athletes, and classes.

In Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Third Edition, Franklin—an internationally renowned teacher, dancer, and choreographer who has been sharing his imagery techniques for more than 35 years - teaches the use of imagery to increase self-awareness, improve body image, and apply anatomical and biomechanical principles for more efficient movement.

This expanded new edition includes

  • more than 600 anatomical imagery exercises to improve posture and body alignment, release excess tension, and prevent injuries;
  • over 500 full-color illustrations to help readers visualize the exercises and use them in various contexts;
  • four audio files containing guided imagery exercises led by Franklin and set to music; and
  • updated chapters throughout the book, including new material and exercises to address fasciae and connective tissue.

“The pictures and the words in your mind influence the feelings in your body, which in turn feed your thoughts and mental pictures,” Franklin says.

“To create powerful and dynamic alignment, you need to fertilize your mind and body with constructive information and weed out destructive thoughts.”

This book will help readers do just that as they discover their natural flexibility and increase their power to move.

Franklin expertly guides readers through foundational concepts of posture, dynamic alignment, and imagery; explores different types of imagery and guidelines for using them; and delves into biomechanical and anatomical principles, including the body’s center and gravity, the laws of motion and force systems, and joint and muscle function.

He then provides exercises for anatomical imagery, covering every area of the body from head to toe. The book closes with two critical chapters on defining dynamic alignment and on integrating dynamic alignment exercises into workouts and programs.

Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery, Third Edition, will help readers experience the biomechanical and anatomical principles that are crucial to athletes, dancers, other performing artists, and yoga and Pilates practitioners.

The techniques and exercises presented in the book will guide readers in improving their posture—and will positively affect their thoughts and attitudes about themselves and others and help them feel better, both mentally and physically.


Forfatter Eric Franklin
Side antal 512
Format Paperback
Forlag Human Kinetics
ISBN/GTIN/EAN 9781718200678
Sprog Engelsk


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